Minor projects

The collection of projects showcased in this section may appear less complex than the rest, but they are equally significant for my career progression and personal growth. Each project delves into different media and could have been undertaken to overcome technological hurdles or simply because it relates to a theme that holds personal significance to me.
An adventure game based on a native Brazilian myth about the creation of the night. The player controls three characters to guide them through the darkness back to their village. Iami is a platform game, but besides the 2D mechanics, players can switch from side to top view during the journey. This element was added to connect with the challenges of the vassals and the change from day to night.

Membrana Fiat Lux, a Brazilian art collective, invited me to join one of their performances. The challenge was to build something out of scraps and to work with light, which resulted in the Percussiano. It is comprised of four conduits filled with different materials and LED light at the tip. Activated by buttons, spinning disks hit the conduits, creating sounds. During the performance, a videomaker and a VJ were working alongside me. The results were light painting-inspired visuals, distorted in real-time.
Digital flower
This particular project was created with the aim of examining the intersection of sensor and projection mapping technologies. The project allows for a unique interaction: when the water bottle is tilted, a digital representation of a flower gracefully blooms. The combination of these technologies creates an immersive and captivating experience that seamlessly blends the physical and digital worlds.